Earth Science

This engaging course introduces 7th-8th grade students to the dynamic systems of our planet. Covering geology, meteorology, and hydrology students will explore the Earth’s structure, geologic activity, weather patterns, and water cycles. Through hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and field studies, students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while gaining a deeper appreciation for our planet and its place in the cosmos.

  1. Understand Earth’s Systems
    • Identify and describe the components of the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
    • Explain how these systems interact and influence Earth’s processes.
  2. Geologic Processes
    • Understand the theory of plate tectonics and its role in shaping Earth’s surface.
    • Explain the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition.
    • Investigate the causes and effects of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain formation.
  3. Hydrologic Cycle
    • Describe the stages of the water cycle and the movement of water through Earth’s systems.
  4. Atmosphere
    • Analyze weather patterns, climate zones, and the factors that influence them.
  5. Biosphere and Ecosystems
    • Describe the characteristics of different ecosystems and biomes.
    • Understand the flow of energy and matter through ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity.
  6. Environmental Issues
    • Understand the impact of natural disasters on human societies.
    • Explore the importance of natural resources and environmental conservation.
  7. Scientific Skills
    • Develop skills in scientific observation, data collection, and analysis.
    • Apply critical thinking to evaluate scientific information and environmental issues.
  1. Laboratory Notebook
    • A laboratory notebook helps develop good scientific habits and is essential for documenting experiments, organizing thoughts, and collaborating effectively.
  • None 

Join us on this exciting journey to discover the wonders of Earth and develop a deeper appreciation for our planet and its place in the universe!

* Portfolio – a purposeful collection of work or evidence that showcases a student’s learning, growth, and achievements over time.